Fløgen dar Schnuchtmånn
var en glad og glad sjel
Med maiskolbepipa og en knappnese
og to dyne laget av kull
Fløgen dar Schnuchtmånn
Er et eventyr sier de
Han var laget av sno, men barna vet det
Hvordan han kom til liv en dag.
Det mà ha vart noe magi
I den gamle hatten de fant
For da de la den pã hodet hans
Han begynte à danse rundt.
A, Fløgen dar Schnuchtmånn
Var i live som han kunne vare
Og barna sier at han kunne le og leke
Akkurat det samme som deg og meg.
The CLASSIC Tiffany hit updated for our times.
“Maybe If I Weren’t Such an Asshole I’d Have a Couple More Friends, But I Don’t Really Give a Shit Cuz I Like The Ones I Got” Jesus (1995ish) Written by Mike Holmes and Micah Scott Best song title ever? Made even more hilarious because the guys in Jesus were some of the kindest, most genuine guys in the scene! At least that's my recollection 30 years later. Fronted by the aforementioned Micah Scott and the other progenitor of the Minot Punk Scene, Mike Holmes, and including Ryan Vandal on bass, and Chad Brunsell on drums, Jesus was one of the first and most frequent bands I saw playing at the Minot Collective Cultural Centre (MC3). Micah and Mike built the MC3 from nothing and created a community of punks which continues to flourish thirty years on. The ethos of Jesus and the MC3: straight-edge, vegan, anti-fascist, egalitarian, etc was all the education that a little lost 15-year-old needed. So much love to Micah, Mike, and to Jesus.
“Vampyres & Werewolves” The Atomic Snotrockets (1995) I was on the cusp of turning 16 when I wrote this — my first ever song, for my first ever band. The Atomic Snotrockets (later shortened to Snotrockets) consisted of BJ Moore: band leader, guitarist, drummer, vocalist, junior; Brad Stuckey: drummer, guitarist, vocalist, freshman; and myself, a sophomore, on bass & vocals. The original song clocked in at about thirty seconds and like all our songs, was loud, screamy, and spiky. We routinely had the cops called on us for practicing too loudly in BJ’s family’s garage. Nonetheless, our first show was at a quiet coffee shop (Sweetheart’s Cafe) on Minot’s Main Street, just a block or so away from the just-closed Minot Collective Cultural Centre. BJ and I also regularly played our demo cassette while making out with our girlfriends in my 1984 VW Golf.
“Expedition” Micah Scott (1999) Written by Micah Scott, one of the OGs of the mid-‘90s Minot Punk Scene. He moved from Minot to Chicago in the late nineties (an expedition I would mimic a decade later) and crafted an absolutely magical album called About Amber. When he returned to Minot, he formed a band called Spective Era to play these songs and invited me to perform with him, Cory Prough (drums) and Jason Brown (guitar). We played these songs around the state up until the time I left for the Navy. Micah, Cory, and Jason were Minot punk rock royalty (though they would all sneer at that definition), and I was in awe to play music with them. When I left for boot camp, we weren’t allowed to bring any tapes or CDs with us (iPods weren’t around yet, kids), hence you couldn’t just listen to your favorite tracks in your bunk at the end of a hard day. For someone like me, whose life was music, this was a challenging proposition. Whenever I needed a mental break, which was often in boot camp, I fired up the old gray Walkman between my ears and played Micah’s “Expedition”. Written by Micah Scott from the 1999 album About Amber - Riderezione. Nothing beats the intensity and passion with which Micah played these songs; essential listening, if you can find a copy.
“The Run” Nobody's Children (1993) Written by Todd Holdman, Micah Scott, and Adam Glueckert Written by Minot’s first and finest punk rock band, Nobody’s Children. Micah Scott played guitar and sang, along with vocalist/bassist Todd Holdman and drummer Adam Glueckert. This song was briefly resurrected in 1999 by Spective Era, when we were a band.