Photo Essay, 2016 Joshua Sauvageau Photo Essay, 2016 Joshua Sauvageau

Celibate Still Life

Art installation at Maison des Sauvageaux, circa 2016

1 Procrastination

2 Misery

3 CDs

4 Friday, 9pm

5 NYE Kisses

6 Rehearsal Space

7 Wall Art

8 Essentials

9 The Cupboard Where Dreams Die

10 Reservation for One

11 Bedside Manner

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Morning Pages, 2016 Joshua Sauvageau Morning Pages, 2016 Joshua Sauvageau

On this day: 12/14/2016

—La Colombe (Damen Ave, Chicago, IL)

I am enjoying this new Sunday morning routine. I have been waking up at 6am and riding Wolfy to Stan’s Donuts and thence to La Colombe for a coffee prior to leading the weekly 3RIDE2 adventure. This morning, the girl behind the counter at Stan’s <<CHECKS PHONE>> asked for my name, because she sees me there every Sunday. I’m trying to create routines that encourage fitness:

  • Monday morning recovery boots at Edge, coffee and working on my yoga class for that night.

  • Tuesday morning Edge plyometric workout

  • Saturday morning Bang Bang 3RUN2 crew run followed by yoga at Tula from 11 to 12:30

  • Sunday morning Stans, Colombe, 3RIDE2 <<CHECKS PHONE>>

How many minutes did I just lose there, looking at my device? Checking for hidden notifications? I’m addicted. Yesterday, my little Andorinha came home from the Turin Hospital for Children. She is beautiful. I named her after those beautiful Portuguese birdies and the even more lovely song about them sung by Amalia Rodrigues and Carminho <<CHECKS PHONE>>. We took our maiden flight together from Turin to Lifetime yesterday afternoon. She rides like a little dream. <<CHECKS PHONE>> It’s no wonder that I can never finish anything, can never write anything worthy if I am constantly being pulled from the present moment to see who LIKED my most recent post. What a waste. I miss writing so much <<CHECKS PHONE>> I think I’ve got a problem. What was happening in my life last year on this date? I wrote bad poetry. I wrote about how Tall Rob told me after yoga that he was chatting with another one of my regular attendees at the gym who told Tall Rob: “I love Josh’s classes. Josh is like a SOFT MOUNTAIN.” I loved that so much <<CHECKS PHONE>> Wednesday is the anniversary of my writing “We All” arguably the best, most rambling and schizophrenic poem I’ve penned to date. I’ll need to issue a special revision for the anniversary <<CHECKS PHONE>>. I got drunk on Dewars white label scotch and wrote for about three solid pages, of which I revised and edited to what I thought was the best lines of the bunch. In fact, while I’m thinking about it, I should <<CHECKS PHONE>> What I was going to say is: perhaps I should revise it now as I am thinking about it. I have the master version saved on Medium. I will perhaps make time this morning—while I’m in recovery boots—to further revise. <<CHECKS PHONE>> I can’t believe how much has changed in one year since writing that piece. Last year I was flying to Tampa for a pre-Christmas trip someplace warm. I was unemployed, or had actually just been hired as Operations Manager at WFMT. I feel like I am a more confident yoga teacher today and that I am in a better place emotionally, though still a long way from where <<CHECKS PHONE>> I hope to see myself.





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